故事背景:单独分别出了日航HNL-HND, HND-ORD的两段机票,在HNL柜台值机时要求行李直接挂到ORD,这时日航工作人员出来告知无法办理后半段的值机,并向本人展示了一段JAL官网上一段可能一般人完全注意不到的解释。然而本人并没有日本签证,不可能在HND提行李再去值机第二段。所以只能临时增加行程变更线路回到北美。
To comply with U.S. transportation rules, itineraries (*) between two cities in the U.S. (including Hawaii and Guam) via Japan must include at least one international flight that is operated by a U.S. carrier.
(*) Including itineraries regarded as "via Japan" by U.S. authorities.
Due to rules and regulations which prohibit non-U.S. airlines from providing air transportation services between two locations within the United States and its territories, itineraries from the United States to Guam and Saipan via a third country (Japan, etc.) are not permitted.
Likewise, non-U.S. airline itineraries from Guam and Saipan to the United States via a third country (Japan, etc.) are not permitted.
【更新】读者ameccy:这是已经执行了超过半个世纪的规定,而且在全世界除了少数例外以外,适用于绝大多数国家,没有任何奇怪的。我记得多年前曾有日本(或者韩国,忘记细节了)航空公司曾经因为类似的「非法承运」被美国罚过款。关键词 Cabotage right

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