Sinemia观影订阅服务简介、雷区及订阅建议【更新:Process Fee】

【9.27更新】现在换一次票收$1.99……不划算了。BTW,有网友之前用AmEx白金卡【本站邀请】买了一年订阅,由于这个Process fee,于是向AmEx发起了Dispute,成功把一年的订阅费要回来了。用AmEx购买了订阅的朋友可以去试试Dispute。跟这种流氓公司不必太客气。


1. Package Plan及使用



第一步,先去SiNEMiA app选定影院和放映时间,激活操作后,才能进行此次购票

2. 雷区

正所谓“从南京到北京,买的没有卖的精”。雷都在Terms and Conditions里。四哈博士写文章的目的就是为读者排雷节省时间……

27.2. A valid Sinemia subscription entitles you to: (1) see one 2D or 3D film per calendar day through Sinemia, according to your selected package; (2) see a 2D or 3D film title three times through Sinemia; and (3) a single seat, depending on availability, for a 2D or 3D film showing open to the general public. This excludes premium showings such as: IMAX, 4D, XD and specialty theaters. Sinemia access is available every day of the week, subject to the theater being open, inventory, and usage. 


也就是说IMAX 2D, IMAX 3D, XD, Dolby Atmos, ScreenX, Dbox, or 4DX有专门的条款……(27.16)

27.15. In Sinemia for Two plan, after the check-in process, up to two tickets will be used with a card or invitation code. Within the movie day limits of membership plan, daily two tickets can not be used at different times or dates, can not be accumulated, unused second ticket can not be transferred to be used at a different time. In order to use Sinemia for Two membership, the membership owner must be in the movie theater. Otherwise, Sinemia reserves the right to cancel the membership by canceling the contract. 


27.16. Your tickets can be used for a 2D or 3D movie on any day. Also, one of your tickets can be used for either of the following technologies of your choice, once every 30 days: IMAX 2D, IMAX 3D, XD, Dolby Atmos, ScreenX, Dbox, or 4DX.

雷区3:每月最多只能看一场IMAX 2D, IMAX 3D, XD, Dolby Atmos, ScreenX, Dbox, or 4DX。买一个19.99然后看两场IMAX 3D是不可能的。

3. 订阅建议

  • 年付Plan肯定是不合适的,因为大片好片基本是集中上映,买了年付Plan意味着烂片你也得硬着头皮去看,否则就是反撸;而月付则灵活的多,根据电影上映安排renew就行
  • 双人Plan只适合爱好电影的情侣;从喜好、时间安排上说,“拼Plan省钱”个人认为不合适。
  • 看过我写的《Cineplex电影达人攻略》的朋友应该知道,真正会看电影的朋友一定是选择周二去看。这天的2D票价在小城市可能只要6.99*0.9,在大城市也不过8.99*0.9。所以,看IMAX以上的电影就成为选择Sinemia的唯一理由。基于此,每月两场的Plan反而是最合适的。

所以四哈博士的结论是,单身狗买$19.99 2场/人/月(月付)的Plan就可以了,然后每月一定要去看一场IMAX以上的,否则就是反撸……
Sinemia观影订阅服务简介、雷区及订阅建议【更新:Process Fee】 Sinemia观影订阅服务简介、雷区及订阅建议【更新:Process Fee】 Reviewed by 毛不易·撸 on 20:33 Rating: 5


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