[可反复撸] 1.8~3.7在Shell兑换Air Miles得20 AM

在Air Miles的App中把这个offer load上,再去Shell兑换即可。上次在Sobeys换95得95的我已经收到了。Now you can use AIR MILES Cash at Shell. Simply swipe your AIR MILES card instore or at the pump where available and get $10 off for every 95 AIR MILES Cash Miles redeemed on your purchases. Plus for a limited time get 20 Bonus Miles every time you redeem your AIR MILES Cash Miles.

某网友:拿张(Air Miles)实体卡,在加油机上刷一下,再用张信用卡,预授权10块钱,机器上会有提示问你要不要兑换AM,兑换多少钱,选10块,然后加刚刚好10块多一点就行了
[可反复撸] 1.8~3.7在Shell兑换Air Miles得20 AM [可反复撸] 1.8~3.7在Shell兑换Air Miles得20 AM Reviewed by 毛不易·撸 on 22:52 Rating: 5


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